If you became a live streamer, what would you do to attract the attention of viewers and interest them?

If you became a live streamer, what would you do to attract the attention of viewers and interest them?

Well, I think that being funny, playing games with your audience, and interacting with them are some ways to keep their attention."

I'd probably start by playing some fun games with my audience or doing cosplay for an event! Then I'll try to interact more with them and give out freebies like merchandise, discounts, etc."

"I think I'd have fun playing games with my audience! It's always exciting when people join me for a game that we both enjoy."

I'd start by streaming games I know well, such as Fortnite or CSGO. Then I'll show off my skills and try to get more followers. Finally, I'll create content that will capture people's attention and make sure they stay interested for longer than just one session.

I'd probably start by streaming games that I know well and have fun playing, such as Fortnite or CSGO. Then, I'll add personal touches like talking with my audience about their favorite things or answering questions they might have."

I think I'd start by streaming games that people are interested in playing, such as Fortnite or League of Legends. Then, I'll add personal touches like giving out special rewards for watching my streams, or even adding interactive elements into my broadcasts so viewers can join me in playing along with me."

I think I'd start by streaming some fun games like Fortnite or League of Legends, then show off my skills as an artist while drawing during the stream. Additionally, I could talk about current events or share interesting facts with my audience."

"I'd make sure my content was engaging and entertaining while also being informative and helpful."

I'd try my best to make funny and entertaining videos with some interesting topics like gaming or traveling around the world. I'll also collaborate with other streamers to create unique content that will capture people's attention."